Who we are…get to know us!
Abla grew up in Galilee.
B.Th. in Christian Education (Jordan Theological Seminary)
M.A. in Christian Education (Jordan Theological Seminary)
From a young age, Abla enjoyed participating in children’s programming. After high school, Abla participated in several children’s programming trainings that inspired her to pursue a formal education in children’s Christian education. After working for a children’s ministry in Bethlehem and studying at Bethlehem Bible College, in 1999, Abla moved to Amman to attend Jordan Theological Seminary. Over the course of many years of study in the Kingdom of Jordan, Abla continued to be inspired by countless professors and other children’s work leaders. Abla gained a desire not only to work with children, but to train others who also shared a love for children.
After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Christian Education, Abla continued to work for Jordanian churches leading children’s ministry and training teachers. Seeing the huge need for children’s ministry workers, Abla authored comprehensive children’s ministry curriculum that was approved by the Council of Churches in Jordan for use in any church (regardless of denomination). Soon after that, the Jordan National Library licensed and approved Abla’s curriculum for use in churches throughout the Kingdom. Abla’s curriculum is also used at churches in the West Bank. Abla’s entire adult life has been a sojourn supporting churches on both sides of the Jordan River.
Abla is supported by her husband, Brennen, and three inspiring children.